Dužina: 240 cm
Opis: 4-part travel rod
Idealna težina varalice: 15 - 50 g
Transportna dužina: 65 cm
Limit težine varalice: 60 g
Delovi: Four-part
Težina štapa: 159 g
Materijal blanka: Carbon fiber
Broj karika: 6 + 1
Karike: SIC
Držač mašinice: Fuji TVS / # 16
Dužina drške: 33 cm
Materijal drške: EVA
Držač udice koji se može skinuti: Fuji EHKM-B
Serija Troy štapova je upravo ono što treba pecarošima koji žele manju transportnu dužinu ili koji ne mogu bez pecanja na odmoru. Četvorodelni travel štapovi se lako smeštaju u torbu za na rame, te su time vrlo laki za transport bilo biciklom, autom ili avionom.
Pošto su brze akcije , ali nisu tvrdi, štapovi imaju širok varijitet varalica : silikonaca, voblera ili metalnih varalica. Naravno, Troy štapovi mogu da se koriste i za druge vrste ribolovačkih tehnika.
Troy 240 | 50 je pravi all-round spining štap za varalicu težine do 50gr težine i zato su odlični za štuku ili bandara. Na putovanjima ćete otkriti još koje vrsta riba koje možete pecati ovim štapom.
Troy travel štap možete koristiti i u slanoj vodi bez ikakvih problema. Crni lak na karikama je snažan i vrlo otporan. Bez obzira na to, nakon pecanja u slanoj vodi uvek detaljno isperite štap čistom vodom.
Svaki Troy štap ima kvalitetnu čvrstu torbu.
The new Troy rod series is just the thing for all anglers who need a small pack size or who do not want to do without fishing on vacation. The 4-part travel rods can be stowed practically anywhere in the shoulder bag supplied and are therefore very easy to transport on the train, on the bike or on the plane.
Due to the fast, but not too hard action, the rods are very versatile and rubber fish, wobblers and sheet metal baits can be easily caught. Of course, the Troys are also suitable for other fishing techniques.
The Troy 240 | 50 is a real all-round spinning rod for baits up to 50 grams in weight and therefore perfectly suited for pikeperch and light pike fishing. It cuts a particularly good figure when lounging on pikeperch or fishing with wobblers. On your travels you will of course also be able to outsmart numerous other fish species with the Troy 240 | 50.
Of course you can use a Troy travel rod in salt water without any problems. The black lacquered ring bridges are extremely insensitive. Nevertheless, you should rinse your rod with fresh water after using it in the sea.
Each of our Troy rods is securely packaged and delivered in a high-quality hard case.